onsdag 28. mars 2012

Volvo V40 i Breaking Dawn - del 2?

"I was already in Edward's Volvo with Renesmee. Edward had gotten around to revealing my after car, as he'd suspected, I had not been capable of showing the appropriate enthusiasm. Sure, it was pretty and fast, but I liked to run".

"The roads was slick and dark, but driving didn't intimidate me anymore. My reflexes were well up to the job, and I barely paid attention to teh road, The problem was keeping my speed from attracting attention when I had company."

De som har lest Breaking Dawn, vet at Bella låner Edwards bil for å kjøre til Seattle. Jeg har lenge lurt på hvilken Volvo som skal brukes i BD2.

Dette er Volvo V40. Jeg kan absolutt se for meg Bella kjøre denne bilen i BD2.

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