fredag 21. desember 2012

Den beste julegaven til en Twilight-fan!!!

Jeg fant Breaking Dawn-part 2 sengesett på Jysk for bare 200 kr! :D

Rob røper slutten til BD2 i et intervju

Dette intervjuet er egentlig fra BD1-promoteringen. Jeg trodde alltid at Rob refererte til boken når han snakket om slutten på serien, men nå virker det som han egentlig snakker om BD2-filmen. Kristen ser ikke fornøyd ut når han røper slutten. Spol frem til 4:12 for å se det.

Nytt bilde av Jacob fra BD2

Robert - Morsomme øyeblikk fra BD2 promoteringen

Nytt bilde av Bella fra BD2

Behind the scenes - BD1 og BD2

Kristen Stewart - The Daily show

Ellie Goulding - Bittersweet (fra BD2 soundtracket)

onsdag 12. desember 2012

Skuespillerne og Bill Condon snakker om kampscenen i BD2

POP ETC - Speak up (BD2 soundtrack)

Kristen Stewart - Craig Ferguson 10 desember

Nytt klipp fra Breaking Dawn-del 2: Holiday

Breaking Dawn-del 2 DVD og Blu-ray informasjon

DVD (3 Disc)

Disc 1: 
- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
- ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′

Disc 2:
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music

Disc 3:
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories
-Aro and the Volturi

Blu-ray (2 Disc)
- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
 - ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′
- Commentary with Bill Condon - Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
 - Featurette on the music
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories - Aro and the Volturi

DVD (1 Disc)
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music Blu-ray 1 Disc - Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
 - Featurette on the music
 - Picture in Picture Movie Mode

Vi har enda ikke fått noen releasedato for BD2, men mest sannsyling kommer DVD og Blu-ray i mars. I USA er releasedato 16. februar.

Stephenie Meyer Day 2013

Dato er satt for SMD 2013 i Forks. Det blir fra 13. september til 15.september. Jeg har allerede begynt å spare penger til dette :D

Nye bilder fra Breaking Dawn-del 2

lørdag 8. desember 2012

Klipp fra Breaking Dawn-del 2

DVDen kommer ikke før i mars, men på youtube kan man finne mange klipp fra filmen:

lørdag 24. november 2012

Hør hele BD2 soundtracket

Where I Come From by Passion Pit - 0:00
Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding - 3:39 T
he Forgotten by Green Day - 7:36
Fire in the Water by Feist - 12:35
Everything and Nothing by The Boom Circuits - 15:06
The Antidote by St. Vincent - 19:31
Speak Up by POP ETC - 23:11
Heart of Stone by Iko - 27:51
Cover Your Tracks by A Boy and His Kite - 31:44
Ghosts by James Vincent Marrow - 36:16
All I've Ever Needed by Paul McDonald and Nikki Reed - 40:01
New For You by Reeve Carney - 44:07
A Thousand Years, Pt. 2 by Christina Perri featuring Steve Kazee - 47:17
Plus que ma propre vie by Carter Burwell - 52:24

Spesialeffekter BD2

Nye BD2 bilder

Bellas kamp-antrekk fra Breaking Dawn 2

Da jeg var i Oslo på gallapremiere, hadde jeg ikke noe å ha på meg. Jeg lette over alt i Oslo for å finne noe som lignet på Bellas kamp-antrekk fra filmen. Jeg fant både bukse og jakke på Kappahl!

Legging til 299 kr:

Jakke til 499 kr:

Mine sko er fra Steve Madden og er nærmest umulig å få tak i nå, men her er et alternativ fra Ellos til 539 kr:

Bellas giftering og forlovelsesring, kjøpte jeg fra HotTopic:

fredag 23. november 2012


Jeg har mottatt mange eposter med spørsmål om linser fra Twilight, derfor vil jeg skrive et blogginnlegg om dette.

Jeg vil anbefale alle å bruke litt penger på linsene sine. Hvis man kjøper billige linser, vil man få vondt i øynene. Jeg har selv opplevd dette. Det er også viktig at man går til en brilleforretning og tar en synsundersøkelse. Da får man vite hvilken type linser man bør ha. De måler BC(Basis Curve) og Diameter på øyet. Disse målene kan du bruke når du skal bestille linser.

Jeg har ikke funnet en eneste brilleforretning som selger spesialeffekt linser. De selger vanlige fargelinser, men dette er linser med "naturlig" øyefarge. Et eksempel er FreshLook Colorblends. De har en farge som heter Honey, som er ganske lik Twilight vampyrenes øyefarge:

Jeg har funnet noen spesialeffektlinser, som er mest lik linsene fra filmene. Disse røde linsene blir brukt av mange Twilight cosplayere. Linsene er ganske dyre (150$): 9mmSFX

Disse gule linsene koster 25.95$: AC Lens

Er man ikke vant til å bruke linser, kan det være en utfordring å ta dem på første gang. Jeg husker at jeg prøvde mange ganger før jeg fikk det til, og det var like før jeg bestemte meg for å gi opp. Jeg lærte meg å ta på linser ved å se på videoer fra youtube. Her er en serie med videoer som forklarer det meste om linsebruk. Hvis du fortsatt har problemer med å bruke linser, kan du be om opplæring hos en brilleforretning. Opplæring i linsebruk er ofte inkludert i synsundersøkelsen.

torsdag 22. november 2012

Christina Perri - A thousand years (part 2)

Sangen som er i slutten av BD2

Robert Pattinson MTV UK intervju

Robert - M London Junket by veronicaspuffy

Mackenzie Foy og Robert Pattinson

Breaking Dawn -del 2: Behind the scenes

Bill Condon intervju om Breaking Dawn-del 2 *SPOILERS*

Did you have input into who lived and died? 
Condon: Of course! How did you choose which beloved characters would lose their heads? Condon: It was interesting, and things would change — you want to get the biggest surprise, and I thought after Carlisle, Jasper was the biggest surprise. And on the other side, everybody gets wiped out; the Cullens do pretty well compared to them. I also really wanted to show Jane paining an animal, because sometimes in movies animals, especially dogs, are so defenseless that to watch them undergo pain can actually be more emotional. Seeing Seth and Leah go, I thought, was powerful. It was incredibly sad, if you recognized Seth and Leah as wolves.

Do you have a favorite moment in Breaking Dawn Part II?
Condon: I have so many of them but I have to say Michael Sheen’s cackle when he sees Renesmee. Isn’t that cool? The first time he did that it was such a great surprise, I was like, “Oh god, I love you.”

With Michael Sheen, did you tell him to modulate his broadness — how big he went? 
Condon: Yes — we did a version A and version B, and I would shoot the smaller and then the bigger version. So Michael Sheen's

Aro cackle in the movie, on a scale of 1 to 10, is… 
 Condon: That cackle that is in the movie is the smaller version. [Laughs] It’s true! You’ve cited the old school Hammer horror films as a tonal reference for parts of Breaking Dawn – in what ways did you hope to capture that feeling? Condon: When I read this, I always thought that these vampires that get collected from around the world are like the vampires I grew up with. Alistair, that whole crowd — that’s the British Hammer vampire. Obviously we’ve got the Draculas. There’s The Awakening in that whole Egyptian culture. So it felt to me even though Alec isn’t part of that, you’re in London in that scene in the alley — God, just go full-out Hammer with this. Even in the costumes and the way we shot it, Michael Sheen with the other guys behind him, it really to me has the feel of a Christopher Lee movie. I love that, and I love the fact that you’ll now get a lot of Twilight fans Googling “Hammer horror.”

Now, which scenes and moments didn’t make the final cut that you wish you could have squeezed in? Condon: I know fans of the novel are going to be disappointed in this, but Garrett has a big speech on the field, during which the mist comes at him and Bella stops it. It was great to do, and Lee Pace was amazing, but we spent almost a half hour on that field and to spend another five minutes doing something that was a kind of repeat of what she’d already done with Jane’s pain… that was a shame, that was cut. And a couple of other scenes — we did a “Bella training to fight” scene, and that was fun. It’ll be on the DVD. But it just came at the wrong time. Again, it seemed a little redundant of her learning how to use her shield. In the showdown between Aro and the Volturi and the Cullens and their witnesses one might read certain real world allusions to power-grabbing, war-mongering, fear-based propagandizing in modern politics.

How much should people take away from these themes? 
Condon: The part that resonated for me, being on the liberal side of things, was Aro’s tactics on that field: The fact that when all the facts were facing him and it was clear no crime had been committed, he just started to play on people’s fears. The idea of, We don’t know — she might be a threat, and therefore let us do something. That feels like a familiar political tactic that you see playing out right now. So that does resonate for me; the more complicated lifestyle issues, I don’t think so much.

Bill Condon snakker om BD2 og om scener som ble slettet fra filmen

mandag 19. november 2012

Breaking Dawn-del 2 premiere i Oslo

Jeg reiste til Oslo for å være med på TV2 programmet Ettermiddagen, sammen med Nina og Joachim. Jeg møtte dem da jeg campet utenfor Colosseum kino for å få tak i BD2 billetter. Vi fikk Twilight-sminke og vi hadde på oss røde linser.

Vi var også med på God Morgen Norge, der de skulle lage et innslag om Twilight. Vi filmet i en mørk kjeller på Ladegården.
Så var det tid for den store premieren!!!!