søndag 5. februar 2012

Fransk Kristen intervju

Kristen har nylig vært i Frankrike og ble intervjuet av bladet One Magazine

Have you ever compared Snow White and Bella?

Yes, and they have like a hundred common points. They're both kind of matriarch. Women who take care of their family above all. I don't see Snow White as the cartoon's character who's stuck in everyone's head. When I was little, my parents didn't read me fairytales, I don't know this culture. A lot of people tell me that they can't wait to see the movie because it's kind of a rereading of the myth, but it's all new for me. I didn't know what to expect when I was reading the script. It was the same for Twilight, I'd never heard any vampire stories.

Do you listen music when you're shooting, to put you in some state of mind?

Totally. When I'm in my trailer, some artists help me to put myself in my character's shoes. On the shooting of Snow White, I was listening to Adele's album all days long. I was picturing me taking the head of the battles with her songs for soundtrack.

In the movie, Snow White is a warrior. How did you approach this aspect of the character?

I don't have the physical apparence of a fighter, but I identified myself to this young woman's state of mind, who have huge compassion. Snow White is not capable of hating, but she has to find the strentgh to fight and this movie opened my eyes. We don't need to hate our rival to fight him. Snow White is the last hope for the people et she has some kind of spiritual connection with the others. She deeply feels things and forgets to think about her to concentrate on others. When she has to kill, it breaks her heart and I've never seen any movie action where the heroine is torn to fight.

You're the idol of million teenagers, have you ever wondered about the influence that you have on her?

I hate being asking to give advices. This youngs women find herselves in me because we are young and of course, we have a lot of common points. But I'm not better than them and I don't have any particular wisdom to share with them. I don't like being putting on a pedestal. Why is my opinion suddenly important? It doesn't make sense! I haven't changed. I'm exactly the same person that I was before Twilight and back then, no one was asking my opinion.

You're not considering yourself as a role model?

Definitely not. I've never wanted to be. And I swear a lot, there's some people who don't like that at all. I'm really not a role model for that...

Do you think that you have a future in action movies, by the way of Angelina Jolie?

I don't like to plan my future, but Snow White may turn into a trilogy. If the movie succeed, we could do a next chapter and so I could be in another franchise. But I'd love to play Snow White again.

Did you feel comfortable in the action scenes with your little stature?

Yes, especially right after I knocked Chris Hemsworth out! We were shooting a scene and I had to pretend to hit him but I didn't pretend and I really punched him in the face! It was like in a movie, I'd never hit someone and I realized that I really hit him hard. Me! It was really exciting to knocked Thor out! It's comforting to know that a little girl like me can beat someone as strong as Chris. You'll see this take in the movie, the director kept it.

Are you attracted to movies who are the opposite of all the Twilight thing?

Not at all. I'm not searching to separate me to the saga. This movie just happened and I had the time to shoot it after the last Twilight, that's all. My tastes are what drive me to some scripts. It's just happen that my interests lead me to indie movies. As the beginning, it was what Twilight was. Nobody imagined this huge success, me first.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Veldig voksne svar. Jeg likte særlig det hun sa om å være rollemodell. det virker som om hun ikke klarer å lyve eller late som å være noe hun ikke er. for eks banning. gjør hun det så gjør hun det. hehe. det var et intervju hvor hun ble spurt om å omformulere svaret fordi hun bannet.

  2. Hehe, kanskje vi får høre noe banning på bloppers på BD DVD'en. Håper virkelig Snow White blir en triologi. Tror den filmen kommer til å bli veldig populær. Håper bare det ikke blir sånn som det ble med Alice in Wonderland. At det var mye hype rundt filmen, men så var ikke den så bra likevel.

  3. Noe i meg sier at den SWATH kommer til å bli bra! Men trilogi?? foreløpig er jeg skeptisk til akkurat det. kanskje jeg forandrer mening etter faktisk å ha sett filmen.


  4. Morsomt du nevner Alice In Wonderland, tenkte på den... Husker når jeg skulle se den, hadde sett traileren om og om igjen fordi jeg syntes den var såå bra! Men så viste det seg at filmen ikke var så bra x_x

  5. Jeg forstår ikke helt hvordan de skal gjøre SWATH til en triologi, men håper for Kristens skyld at det blir flere filmer.

    Jeg elsker Alice in Wonderland. Det er en av favorittbøkene mine. Jeg husker at jeg ble kjempeskuffet når jeg så hva de hadde gjort med historien. Trodde de skulle gå etter boken. Tror det var mange som ble forvirret da de så filmen.
